89 | 2015 | Macfadyen, Sarina, Jason M. Tylianakis, Deborah K. Letourneau, Tim G. Benton, Pablo Tittonell, Michael Perring, Carla Gómez-Creutzberg, András Báldi, John M. Holland, Linda Broadhurst, Kimiko Okabe, Anna R. Renwick, Barbara Gemmill-Herren, Henrik G. Smith. Turning threats into opportunities: Improving resilience in global food supply. Global Food Security PEER REVIEWED |
88 | 2015 | Letourneau, D.K., S.G. Bothwell Allen, R.R. Kula, M.J. Sharkey, and J.O. Stireman, III. 2015. Relationships between Landscape-Level Vegetation, Specialist and Generalist Parasitoid Diversity and Parasitism Frequency in Annual Crops. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene Sustainable Transitions Domain PEER REVIEWED |
90 | 2015 | Letourneau, D.K., M. Fitzsimmons, and D. Nieto. 2016. Approaches in plant protection – science, technology, environment and society. Chapter 1, IN Coll, M. and E. Wajnberg, Editors. Pest management within the environment: challenges for agronomists, ecologists, economists and policy makers PEER REVIEWED, INVITED, in press |
86 | 2014 | Jedlicka, J. A., D. K. Letourneau and T. M. Cornelisse. 2014. Establishing songbird nest boxes increased avian insectivores and reduced herbivorous arthropods in a California vineyard, USA. Conservation Evidence, Vol. 11, 34-38. PEER REVIEWED |
84 | 2013 | Cornelisse, T. M., M. C. Vasey, K. D. Holl and D. K. Letourneau. Artificial bare patches increase habitat for the endangered Ohlone tiger beetle (Cicindela ohlone). Journal of Insect Conservation, DOI 10.1007/s10841-012-9482-3 PEER REVIEWED |
85 | 2015 | Letourneau, D. K., A. Ando, J. Jedlicka, and A. Narwani. 2015. Simple-but-sound methods for estimating the value of changes in biodiversity for biological pest control in agriculture. Ecological Economics PEER REVIEWED |
83 | 2013 | Cornelisse, T., M. Bennett, D. K. Letourneau. The implications of habitat management on the population viability of the endangered Ohlone tiger beetle (Cicindela ohlone) metapopulation. PlosONE http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0071005 PEER REVIEWED |
87 | In Progress: Shennan, C., L. Jackson, D. K. Letourneau, et al. Sustainable Agriculture in the 22nd century. Issues in Ecology, Ecological Society of America. INVITED | |
80 | 2013 | Pisani-Gareau, T.L., D.K. Letourneau and C. Shennan. Relative densities of natural enemies and insect pests on California perennial hedgerows. Environmental Entomology 42(4):688-702. PEER REVIEWED |
82 | 2013 | Dyer, L. and D. Letourneau. Can Climate Change Trigger Massive Diversity Cascades in Terrestrial Ecosystems? Diversity 5, 479-504, DOI 10.3390/d5030479. PEER REVIEWED |
81 | 2012 | Rajan, S.R. and D.K. Letourneau. What risk assessments of genetically modified organisms can learn from institutional analysis of public health risks. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Volume 2012, Article ID 203093, 8 pages, doi: 10.1155/2012/203093. PEER REVIEWED |
77 | 2012 | Letourneau, D. K. Integrated pest management: outbreaks prevented, delayed or facilitated? Ch 17 IN P. Barbosa, D.K. Letourneau, A. Agrawal (Eds.) Insect Outbreaks Revisited. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
79 | 2012 | Letourneau, D.K., S.G. Bothwell Allen, J. O. Stireman III. Perennial Habitat Fragments, Parasitoid Diversity and Parasitism in Ephemeral Crops. Journal of Applied Ecology 49(6):1405-1416. PEER REVIEWED |
78 | 2012 | Barbosa, P., D. K. Letourneau, and A. Agrawal (Eds.). Insect Outbreaks Revisited. 400+ pp. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. PEER REVIEWED, JURIED |
75 | 2012 | Letourneau, D. K. and J. A. Hagen. Plant fitness assessment for wild relatives of insect resistant Bt-crops. Journal of Botany. Vol 2012, Article ID 389247, 12 pp. PEER REVIEWED |
74 | 2011 | Jedlicka, J. A., R. Greenberg, D. K. Letourneau. Avian conservation practices strengthen ecosystem services in California vineyards. PlosONE 6(11):e27347. PEER REVIEWED |
73 | 2011 | Letourneau, D. K., I. Armbrecht, B. Salguero Rivera, J. Montoya Lerma, E. Jimenez Carmona, M. Constanza Daza, S. Escobar, V. Galindo, C. Gutierrez, S. Duque Lopez, J. Lopez MejÃa, A. Acosta Rangel, J. Herrera Rangel, L. Rivera, C. Saavedra, A. Torres and A. Reyes Trujillo. Does plant diversity benefit agroecosystems? A synthetic review. Ecological Applications 21:9-21. PEER REVIEWED |
72 | 2010 | Dyer, L. A., D. K. Letourneau, G. Vega C., and D. S. Amoretti. Herbivores on a dominant understory shrub increase local plant diversity in rain forest communities. Ecology 91:3707-3718. PEER REVIEWED |
71 | 2010 | Blair, B. C., D. K. Letourneau, S. G. Bothwell and G. Hayes. Resources, disturbance, and exotic plant invasion: gap size effects in a redwood forest. Madroño 57:11-19. PEER REVIEWED |
2010 | Letourneau, D.K. Interview for “All Aflutter” on Monarch butterflies and the pheromone-based control program for the Light Brown Apple moth (LBAM). Primer 2010: Santa Cruz – below the surface. A City on a Hill Press Publication Vol. 45, Issue 1. INVITED | |
70 | 2009 | Letourneau, D.K. and J.A. Hagen. 2009. Plant fitness assessments for wild relatives of insect resistant crops. Environmental Biosafety Research 8:45-55. PEER REVIEWED |
69 | 2009 | Letourneau, D. K., J. A. Jedlicka, S. G. Bothwell, C. R. Moreno. Effects of natural enemy biodiversity on the suppression of arthropod herbivores in terrestrial ecosystems. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40:573-592. PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
67 | 2008 | Sirrine, J. R., D. K. Letourneau, C. Shennan, D. Sirrine, L. Jackson, A. Mages, R. Fouch. Impacts of groundcover management systems on tart cherry yield, leaf nutrients, weed growth, and insect communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 125:239-245. PEER REVIEWED |
68 | 2008 | Letourneau, D. K. Agriculture: Pests and Pest Control, pp. 25-28. J. Middleton, Editor-in-Chief, Vol. 1, New Encyclopedia of Africa, Charles Scribner’s Sons, Detroit, MI. INVITED |
66 | 2008 | Letourneau, D. K. and S. G. Bothwell. Comparison of organic and conventional farms: challenging ecologists to make biodiversity functional. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6:430-438. PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
65 | 2007 | Dyer, L.A. and D.K. Letourneau. Determinants of lichen diversity in a rain forest understory. Biotropica 39(4):525-529. PEER REVIEWED |
64 | 2006 | Letourneau, D. K., A. H. G. van Bruggen, Crop Protection in Organic Agriculture IN A. Taji and P. Kristianesen (Eds.) Organic Agriculture – A Global Perspective, CSIRO, Australia PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
59 | 2004 | Letourneau, D.K., L.A. Dyer, and G. Vega C. Indirect effects of a top predator on a rain forest understory plant community. Ecology 85(8):2144-2152. PEER REVIEWED |
58 | 2004 | Dyer, L.A., C.D. Dobson, J. Stireman III, M.A. Tobler, A.M. Smilanich, R.M. Fincher and D.K. Letourneau. Synergistic effects of three Piper amides on generalist and specialist herbivores. J. Chemical Ecology 29:2499-2514 PEER REVIEWED |
61 | 2004 | Letourneau, D. K., Mutualism, anti-herbivore defense, and trophic cascades: Piper ant-plants as a mesocosm for experimentation, Ch. 2 IN L.A. Dyer and A. Palmer (Eds.) Piper: A Model Genus for the Studies of Phytochemistry, Ecology and Evolution, Kluwer/Plenum Academic Publishing, New York, NY PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
60 | 2004 | Letourneau, D. K. and L. A. Dyer, Multi-trophic interactions and biodiversity: beetles, ants, caterpillars and plants Ch. 12 IN D. Burslem, M. Pinard, and S. Hartley (Eds.) Biotic Interactions in the Tropics, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
63 | 2004 | Letourneau, D. K. New Dimensions in Agroecology: A Review. Pre-publication book review for CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. |
57 | 2004 | Dyer, L. A., D. K. Letourneau, C. D. Dodson, M. A. Tobler, J. O. Stireman, and A. Hsu. 2004. Ecological causes and consequences of variation in defensive chemistry of a neotropical shrub. Ecology 85:2795-2803 PEER REVIEWED |
62 | 2004 | Letourneau, D. K. Book review for Journal of Environmental Biosafety Research 3(4): 233-235 on Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 1: A Case Study of Bt Maize in Kenya edited by A. Hilbeck and D. A. Andow INVITED |
56 | 2003 | Letourneau, D.K., G.S. Robinson, and J.A. Hagen. Bt-crops: predicting effects of escaped transgenes on the fitness of wild plants and their herbivores. Environmental Biosafety Research 2:219-246 PEER REVIEWED |
55 | 2003 | Dyer, L.A. and D.K. Letourneau. Top-down and bottom-up diversity cascades in detrital vs. living food webs. Ecology Letters 6:60-68 PEER REVIEWED |
2003 | Letourneau, D.K. Interview: “Organic Farms Hold Their Own Against Pests”, Environmental Review 9:8-14 INVITED | |
2003 | Dyer, L.A., Letourneau, D.K., C. Dodson, and J. Richards. Report on findings from NSF Ecology Program, “Plant secondary metabolites as mediators of top-down and bottom-up forces in a tropical forest community” 11 pp | |
54 | 2002 | Letourneau, D.K. and B. E. Burrows (Eds.). Genetically Engineered Organisms: Assessing Environmental and Human Health Effects. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. PEER REVIEWED |
53 | 2002 | Letourneau, D.K., J.A. Hagen, and G.S. Robinson, Bt-crops: Evaluating benefits under cultivations and risks from escaped transgenes in the wild IN D. K. Letourneau and B.E. Burrows (Eds.) Genetically Engineered Organisms: Assessing Environmental and Human Health PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
52 | 2002 | Gould, F.L., Andow, D.A., Blossey, B., Chapela, I., Ellstrand, N., Jordan, N., Lamkey, K.R., Larkins, B.A., Letourneau, D.K., McHughen, A., Phillips, R.L., and Thompson, P.B. Environmental Effects of Transgenic Plants: The Scope and Adequacy of Regulation. 342 pp. National Academy Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources — National Research Council Committee on Environmental Impacts Associated with Commercialization of Transgenic Plants. National Academy of Sciences Press, Washington, D.C. PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
50 | 2001 | Dyer, L.A., C. Dodson, J. Beihoffer, and D.K. Letourneau. Trade-offs in antiherbivore defenses in Piper cenocladum: Ant mutualists versus plant secondary metabolites. Journal of Chemical Ecology 27:581-592 PEER REVIEWED |
49 | 2001 | Letourneau, D.K. Pest damage and community structure in organic vs. conventional tomato production in California. Journal of Applied Ecology 38:557-570 PEER REVIEWED |
51 | 2001 | Letourneau, D. K. Regulatory Decision-Making for Genetically Engineered Crops: a book review, Ecology 82:1500-1501 |
48 | 2000 | Dodson, C., L.A. Dyer, and D.K. Letourneau. Cenocladamide: A dihydropyridone alkaloid from Piper cenocladum. Phytochemistry 53(1):51-54 PEER REVIEWED |
2000 | Letourneau, D.K. Habitat management for biological control: Lessons from conservation biology. Phytoparasitica 28:193-4 | |
2000 | Letourneau, D.K. Potential ecological effects of Bt transgenes in wild plants, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts 85: 59 | |
47 | 1999 | Letourneau, D. K. and D. A. Andow (Eds.). Natural Enemy Food Webs. Ecological Applications 9(2):363-415. INVITED, JURIED |
46 | 1999 | Dyer, L.A., D.K. Letourneau, W. Williams, and C. Dodson. A commensalism between Piper marginatum Jacq. (Piperaceae) and a coccinellid beetle. Journal of Tropical Ecology 15:841-846 PEER REVIEWED |
45 | 1999 | Dyer, L.A. and D.K. Letourneau. Trophic cascades in a complex, terrestrial community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96:5072-5076 PEER REVIEWED |
44 | 1999 | Dyer, L.A. and D.K. Letourneau. Relative strengths of top-down and bottom-up forces in a tropical forest community. Oecologia 119:265-274 PEER REVIEWED |
43 | 1999 | Letourneau, D.K. and P. Barbosa. Ants, stem-borers, and pubescence in Endospermum in Papua New Guinea. Biotropica 31(2):295-302 PEER REVIEWED |
42 | 1999 | Letourneau, D. K. and D. A. Andow. Introduction, natural enemy food webs. Ecological Applications 9(2):363-365. PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
37 | 1998 | Letourneau, D.K. and L.A. Dyer. Experimental test in lowland tropical forest shows top-down effects through four trophic levels. Ecology 79(5):1678-1687 PEER REVIEWED |
36 | 1998 | Letourneau, D.K. and L.A. Dyer. Density patterns of Piper ant-plants and associated arthropods: Top-predator trophic cascades in a terrestrial system? Biotropica 30(2):162-169 PEER REVIEWED |
41 | 1998 | Nowierski, R. M., C. B. Huffaker, D. L. Dahlsten, D. K. Letourneau, D. H. Janzen, and G. G. Kennedy, The influence of insects on plant populations and communities IN R. Gutierrez (Ed.) Ecological Entomology, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
40 | 1998 | Letourneau, D. K. and M. A. Altieri, Environmental management to enhance biological control in agroecosystems IN T. W. Fisher, T. S. Bellows, L. E. Caltagierone, D. Dahlsten, C. Huffaker, and G. Gordh. (Eds.) Principles and Applications of Biological Control, Academic Press, Salt Lake City, UT PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
39 | 1998 | Letourneau, D. K. Conservation biology: Lessons for conserving natural enemies 9-37 IN P. Barbosa (Ed.) Conservation Biology, Academic Press, Salt Lake City, UT PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
38 | 1998 | Ingham, E.R., C. Istock, A.R. Kapucinski, T. Klinger, D.K. Letourneau, P. Regal, S. Akabas, P. Bhargava, N. Ellstrand, A. Spielman, and M. Wheelis (Scientists Working Group on Biosafety). A Manual for Assessing Ecological and Human Health Effects of Genetically Engineered Organisms. 245 pp. The Edmonds Institute, Seattle, WA, USA. PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
33 | 1997 | Letourneau, D.K. Ants, stem-borers and fungal pathogens: Experimental tests of a fitness advantage in Piper ant-plants. Ecology 79(2):593-603 PEER REVIEWED |
32 | 1997 | Letourneau, D.K. and P. Siaguru. Endospermum labios Schodde. Auxiliary Plants in Agriculture and Forestry Vol. 11 PEER REVIEWED |
35 | 1997 | Letourneau, D. K. and P. Siaguru. Endospermum labios Schodde. IN I.Faridah Hanum and L.J.G Van der Maesen (Eds.). Plant Resources in South East Asia, Auxiliary Plants in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 11 PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
34 | 1997 | Letourneau, D.K. Pests and Pest Control. pp. 396-398, IN Volume 3, J. Middleton (Editor-In-Chief), Encyclopedia of Sub-Saharan Africa, Charles Scribner, New York, NY. INVITED |
31 | 1996 | Letourneau, D.K., L.E. Drinkwater, and C. Shennan. Effects of soil management on crop nitrogen and insect damage in organic vs. conventional tomato fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 57:179-187 PEER REVIEWED |
30 | 1996 | Fischer, K., L.O. Orsak, D.K. Letourneau, and P. Siaguru. Research, resource use and sustainable conservation. Proceedings, 20th Waigani Seminar, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea PEER REVIEWED |
29 | 1995 | Drinkwater, L.E., F. Workneh, D.K. Letourneau, A.H.C. van Bruggen, and C. Shennan. Fundamental differences between conventional and organic tomato agroecosystems in California. Ecological Applications 5:1098-1112 PEER REVIEWED |
28 | 1994 | Letourneau, D.K. Bean fly, management practices, and biological control in Malawian subsistence agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 50:103-111 PEER REVIEWED |
27 | 1993 | Letourneau, D.K. Ants that pay the piper. Natural History 102:4-8 PEER REVIEWED |
26 | 1993 | Letourneau, D.K., F. Arias G. and M. Jebb. Coping with enemy-filled space: Herbivores on Endospermum in Papua New Guinea. Biotropica 25:95-99 PEER REVIEWED |
25 | 1992 | Letourneau, D.K., and Msuku, W.A.B. Enhanced Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli infection by bean fly in Malawi. Plant Disease 1253-1255 PEER REVIEWED |
24 | 1991 | Shennan, C., L.E. Drinkwater, A.H.C. van Bruggen, D.K. Letourneau, and F. Workneh. Comparative study of organic and conventional tomato production systems: An approach to on-farm systems studies. pp. 109-132 IN B. Rice and J.P. Madden (Eds.) Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education in the Field. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. INVITED |
23 | 1991 | Letourneau, D. K., Parasitism of ant-plant mutualism and the novel case of Piper 390-396 IN C. M. Huxley and D. F. Cutter (Eds.) Ant-Plant Interactions, Oxford University Press, New York, NY PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
1991 | Sederoff, R. and D.K. Letourneau Drosophila melanogaster, Guidelines for Research Involving Planned Introduction into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms, document 91-94, Example 6, Appendix 1, 1-8 | |
1991 | Letourneau, D.K. Symposium on the Deliberate Release of Genetically-Engineered Organisms: Predicting the Consequences. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 71:244-245 | |
21 | 1990 | Letourneau, D.K. Mechanisms of predator accumulation in a mixed crop system. Ecological Entomology 15:63-69 PEER REVIEWED |
20 | 1990 | Letourneau, D.K. Code of ant-plant mutualism broken by parasite. Science 248:215-217 PEER REVIEWED |
19 | 1990 | Letourneau, D.K. Abundance patterns of leafhopper enemies in mixed and pure stands. Environmental Entomology 19:505-509 PEER REVIEWED |
18 | 1990 | Fox, L.R., D.K. Letourneau, J. Eisenbach, and S. van Nouhuys. Parasitism rates and sex ratios of a parasitic wasp: Effects of herbivore and plant quality. Oecologia 83:414-419, 414-419 PEER REVIEWED |
22 | 1990 | Letourneau D. K., Two examples of natural enemy augmentation: A consequence of crop diversification Pp. 11-29 IN S.R. Gliessman (Ed.) Agroecology: Researching the Ecological Basis of Sustainable Agriculture, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
16 | 1989 | Letourneau, D.K., and L. R. Fox. Effects of experimental design and nitrogen on cabbage butterfly oviposition. Oecologia 80:211-214 PEER REVIEWED |
15 | 1989 | Letourneau, D.K. The influence of host range on enemy abundance in intercrops. UC Davis Student Experimental Farm Journal PEER REVIEWED |
17 | 1989 | Letourneau, D. K., Herbivores and their natural enemies: on-farm experiments in tropical Mexico IN R. Prinsley (Ed.) Proceedings Commonwealth Science Council Workshop on Development of Standard Methods for Sampling and Analysis of Relationships between Insects, Diseases, Nematodes, and Weeds in Intercropping Systems, CSC Technical Publ. Series, Saint Paul, MN PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
14 | 1988 | Barbosa, P. and D. K. Letourneau (Eds.). Novel Aspects of Plant-Insect Interactions, 362 pp. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ. PEER REVIEWED, JURIED |
12 | 1988 | Letourneau, D. K., Soil management for pest control: a critical appraisal of the concepts IN P. Allen and D. Van Dusen (Eds.) Global Perspectives on Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, University of California, Santa Cruz, Agroecology Program PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
13 | 1988 | Letourneau, D. K. Predatorial Pest Control: Biological Control in Agricultural IPM Systems. Bulletin of the Entomology Society of America 34(2):100-101 |
1988 | Letourneau, D.K. Nitrogen fertilizer’s effects on pests and predators. The Cultivar 6(2):5-6 | |
11 | 1987 | Letourneau, D.K. The enemies hypothesis: Tritrophic interactions and vegetational diversity in tropical agroecosystems. Ecology 68:1616-1622 PEER REVIEWED |
10 | 1987 | Letourneau, D.K. and J.C. Choe. Homopteran attendance by wasps and ants: The stochastic nature of interactions. Psyche 94:82-91 PEER REVIEWED |
9 | 1986 | Letourneau, D.K. Associational resistance in squash monocultures and polycultures in a tropical agroecosystem. Environmental Entomology 15(2):285-292 PEER REVIEWED |
1986 | “The Sounds of Science” on Rainforest Conservation. [National Public Radio Interview] 1986 | |
1986 | Santa Cruz County Board of Education. [Community Resource Speaker] 1986 | |
1985 | Haber W. and D.K. Letourneau (Eds.) OTS 84-3, Tropical Biology – an Ecological Approach, coursebook, Durham, North Carolina, Organization for Tropical Studies Press | |
7 | 1984 | Altieri, M.A. and D.K. Letourneau. Vegetation diversity and outbreaks of insect pests. CRC Critical Reviews of Plant Sciences 2(2):131-169 PEER REVIEWED |
8 | 1984 | Altieri, M. A., D. K. Letourneau and J. R. Davis, The requirements of sustainable agroecosystems IN Gordon K. Douglass (Ed.) Agricultural Sustainability in a Changing World Order, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado PEER REVIEWED, INVITED |
5 | 1983 | Letourneau, D.K. Passive aggression: An alternative hypothesis for the Piper-Pheidole Association. Oecologia 60:122-126 PEER REVIEWED |
4 | 1983 | Letourneau, D.K. and M.A. Altieri.Abundance patterns of a predator, Orius tristicolor (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) and its prey, Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae): Habitat attraction in polycultures versus monocultures. Environmental Entomology 122(5):1464-1469 PEER REVIEWED |
3 | 1983 | Altieri, M.A., D.K. Letourneau and J.R. Davis. Developing sustainable agroecosystems. BioScience 33(1):45-49 PEER REVIEWED |
6 | 1983 | Letourneau, D. K. Population biology of tropical insects: a book review, Bulletin of the Entomological Society 29(4), 57 |
2 | 1982 | Altieri, M.A. and D.K. Letourneau.Vegetation management and biological control in agroecosystems. Crop Protection 1(4):405-430 PEER REVIEWED |
1982 | Letourneau, D.K. Population dynamics of a predator Orius tristicolor and its prey Frankliniella occidentalis in simple and intercropped fields, UC Davis Student Experimental Farm Journal 9-20 PEER REVIEWED | |
1 | 1980 | Letourneau, D. K. The pesticide conspiracy: a book review, Science for the People 11(3), 37-38 |